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Clear Acne Articles

5 Steps | How To Stop an Acne Breakout NOW

By October 4, 2014No Comments

This is a REAL email that I wrote to a close friend of mine who recently broke out pretty bad and had no idea what was going on. He called me while I was driving and I couldn’t hear him well so I told him I’d write him an email explaining what to do. To protect his identity, we’ll call him “James.” Though his name does start with a “J”.

He went to go see a dermatologist and naturally, the skin doctor prescribed him acne antibiotics. His acne got a little better, then worse. And oddly enough, he started complaining about weird itching on his back acne. The acne antibiotics stopped working, my friend was getting a little panicky about what was going on.

He didn’t know what to do. So when he found out that I was back from Ecuador, he called me for advice. All this happened in a few weeks.

Hey man,

So here’s what’s going on.

Most likely something changed in your diet or lifestyle that caused the initial breakout. So naturally, you did what most people do when they have no idea what’s going on: they turn to a dermatologist. Dermatologists usually prescribe antibiotics.

Antibiotics work short term but they kill the GOOD bacteria / flora in your body along with the bad (acne) bacteria. However, some of the acne bacteria survives as the antibiotic usually is not 100% successful. The acne bacteria adapts and comes back stronger usually manifesting itself in odd ways in your body.

Unfortunately, the good bacteria doesn’t usually survive and cannot duplicate itself like the bad bacteria, it must be re-implanted by eating certain foods full of friendly flora. Some foods work better than others, I’ll explain more in detail on the phone.

With the lack of good bacteria and now, newly growing and strengthening numbers of bad bacteria, acne usually comes back in a few weeks or few months worse than before and in ways you haven’t experience. And this, you’re already experiencing as you told me on the phone just now.


  1. Stop the antibiotics
  2. Stop the food that caused the breakout.
  3. Replenish good bacteria in your body
  4. Start the Acne Free Diet
  5. Reintroduce healthy way to build “mass” after acne starts normalizing.

I’ll call you later to explain each of these steps in detail.

P.S. Let’s spar next weekend,

– Ray


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