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Everything is POINTLESS when you have acne.

Have you ever felt like not doing anything bcause you have acne?

What’s the point of doing anything when you have pimples covering your face?

How can I enjoy men, women, girls, guys, making money, hanging out with my friends, when my face is covered in all these zits?

Have you ever felt like this?

You didn’t want to go out.  You didn’t want to hang out with your friends.  You didn’t want your friends to see you and you didn’t want to see yourself.

If you have had this feeling before because of acne, trust me, I know how you feel.

I’ve been there and I was done exactly that.

I used to have a curtain up by my window.  It was dark solid blue and it did a mighty fine job at blocking the sunlight.  In fact, that’s all it did.  And if it were a store it would probably be a 7/11 because it was up 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a years.

I really hated the sun, mostly because it allowed me to see the indentures in my face, all the red blemishes and the pop marks.  I hated the right lighting AND the wrong lighting because any kind of lighting made it so that other people could see how imperfect my face was.  Any kind of lighting gave other people the chance to see that my face was different from theirs.

But here’s the worst part.  I didn’t feel like doing anything.  I didn’t go out.  I didn’t party.  I didn’t want to drink because it would just make my acne look worse with the redness that I was see and feel in my face.  And it’s pretty difficult to get things done when you don’t feel like going out.  If your friend invites you to come over, it’s kind of difficult when you don’t want to leave your extremely shaded room that only has one tiny little lamp on with only enough light to avoid hurting your shins.

I didn’t want to go out with my family for lunch or dinner and when I finally did, I would always avoid anyone that I found attractive.  I didn’t want them to see me.  Not like this.


Well… as you probably already know.  I ended up staying in my room a lot.

I read.  I played on the computer.  I slept.

Every now and then I would have to use the restroom.

But when I would go, all the lights would be dim or completely off and I would use the light illuminated from my room as guidance.  I just didn’t want to look at my face.  I didn’t want to be constantly reminded that I had acne on my face.

I studied.  I thought and prepared a lot about what to do with my life AFTER I cleared my acne.

So I studied some more.  Got into business.  I worked on my personality because I figured if I couldn’t do anything about the outside, why not first work on the inside because I’m going to have to work on that eventually anyway.  Maybe my life is going to work in reverse?

So I read a bunch of books on psychology, sociology, human relationships, social interaction, attraction, etc…

But, I didn’t go anywhere and there were definitely times where I didn’t see the point in dressing up for a dance or a family dinner party.  Because what’s the point of dressing up and looking nice when my face looks like this?


Yes folks, I might have been depressed.

And though I don’t think that acne was responsible for causing my depression.  I DO think that acne was responsible in causing my depression =).

That’s right.  I actually think that acne had a lot to do with feeling so depressed.   And I don’t care how much people say that it’s what on the inside that really counts, it’s hard to feel great and walk out into the world when looks do matter.

No.  I’m going to rephrase that.

It’s hard to feel great and walk out into the world when your face looks like a pepperoni pizza.

Because if you’re not good looking and don’t have acne, at least these people look “normal.”  Their face is neither working for them or working against them.  It’s just there.  It’s neutral.

But my theory is that when you have acne, you better have a great personality because you already have something working against you.

Now am I saying that all people with acne are ugly?

No, I’m not saying that at all.  I think there are many people with acne that are very good looking.  And I also think that there are good looking people with various degrees of acne ranging from mild to severe.

But I guess what I’m saying goes something like this…

There exist in the world good looking people who are overweight.  These people can range in mildly overweight with a little bit of chub to obese.  And you can tell that they are good looking people.  But what I’m saying is that because they are overweight, they don’t look as attractive as someone who may have the same face and is of healthy weight.

So sure, it may be what’s on the inside that really counts but unless you’re going to walk around the mountains cutting open every bland and boring rock looking for geodes, which most people don’t, it’s hard to fully accept such unrealistic advise.

I’m not saying that the inside doesn’t matter.

Of course it does.  Just because someone is beautiful does not give them the right to treat everyone like dirt and there are definitely people that I’ve met in the past, that when they opened their mouths to speak, they automatically dropped 50 points on the 10 point “hot” scale.


What I’m saying is that, if you’ve ever had this feeling or these thoughts, you’re not alone.

And if you’re online doing a search for a topic like this, then you probably know exactly what I just talked about.

You’re in luck. =)

Hi, I’m Ray and I’m a currently studying for my Master’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics.

For more than 10 years, I’ve suffered from, battled and eventually cured my acne myself. I’ve tried everything from ProActiv, creams, antibiotics, herbs, and even flying out to a foreign country to visit a famous dermatologist. Nothing worked. You can imagine the devastation I felt in my heart… and in my pockets.

If you’ve ever suffered from acne or know someone who did, you can probably understand that acne not only scars on the outside, it also scars on the inside.

But there’s simply too many money hungry products on television just trying to make a buck, false information online, and harmful chemicals prescribed in the dermatologist’s office.

How do you know if what you read online really works?  How do you if that antibiotic that your dermatologist prescribed is really safe for you?

How do we know who’s right, who to listen to and what to do?

What if I told you that there was someone who’s been through all that and he’s willing to help?

That’s why I’m here today.

I’ve created a website that contains more than a decade of experience of articles, pictures, videos, reviews and anything that you could ask for on how I cleared my acne, things that I tried that didn’t work, and how to clear your acne.

Join me, your personal acne coach and thousands of others, in uncovering the TRUTH about acne.


10 Steps to Cure Acne

10 Things Every Acne Sufferer Must Know for Clear Skin. A must have basic foundation for any beginner.

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  • Magic Formula for Clear Skin
  • Every Acne Sufferer Needs This

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-Ray © All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to freely print, unmodified, up to 200 copies of the most up to date version of this document from, or to copy it in off-the-net electronic form.  Permission for any usual classroom use is granted. On the net/WWW, however, you MUST link here rather than put up your own page. If you had not seen a notice like this on the document, you would have to assume you did not have permission to copy it. This document is still protected by you-know-what even though it has no copyright notice. Please DO NOT send mail asking me if you can link here — you can do so, without asking or telling me.

One Comment

  • joseph montemayor says:

    dear ray, my name is joseph and i am a 16 year old kid who used to have a lot of bumpy pimples on my face and i really mean a lot! i have been on two prescriptions and have been using a face wash my dermatologist recommended for me. my acne has cleared up alot and my face is very very smooth, but as you already know, there are alot of red/brown spots remaining on my face and it has been like this for probably a month already and nothing is seeming to work to fade them away. not the prescription or anything. i started using aloe vera gel today and did a lime facial to see if it will do anything but i doubt it. please help me! i would highly appreciate it

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